Shark Tank 獨家合作 - EpicORB App 專利隱私行動下載

SHARK TANK 獨家專利合作 APP 行動應用程式。讓你在使用行動手機或平板電腦的同時,享有絕對的隱私權。


EpicORB Encrypted and Secure sending and receipt of texts, videos, pictures and voice messages from mobile devices. Unlimited Worldwide voice and video calls (VOIP). Complete Anonymity requires only a private user ID and password.

EpicORB Make unlimited local and International voice/video calls to Friends, Family and Associates on a Secure Mobile network with a Communications App. Send Encrypted Texts, Pictures, Videos and Audio Messages. FREE for 90 days - USD $ 0.99 a month thereafter.

What EpicORB means to the Consumer:
  • All your communications calls, texts, pictures, videos and voice messages are secured and protected from hackers, snoopers and governments.
  • Simple and intuitive interface, just click on a name and the voice or video call is initiated.
  • Use VOIP with Tablets (iPads and Android Tablets) even when they have no cellular packages.
  • Lower smartphone cellular costs. Use of the VOIP over Wi-Fi means the consumer can lower monthly mobile minute on carrier plans or use lower cost bandwidth packages.
  • Take advantage of home, work, coffee house and all free public WI-FI locations to make calls or send texts, pictures, videos or video conference with your EpicORB network.
Emergency Panic Live Streaming Video:
  • Capture and Stream phone video of an assailant, a crime or other situation in real-time direct to a private cloud server where it can be stored offsite for law enforcement and others to use while assessing the emergency and assisting. Never risk loss of video if your phone is taken, broken, or runs out of storage. EpicORB’s streaming server will have a copy to save the day.
  • Live stream any emergency situation video for later access from a website or 10 (predetermined) loved ones, friends or work peers.
Multi-Peer Connectivity the future of no cost, no overhead communicating:
  • Connect and communicate without any cellular or Wi-Fi connectivity by using Multi-Peer technology across EpicORB’s web of usersphones.
EpicORB Users have the comfort that their communications and anonymity stay private:
  • EpicOrb uses the highest levels of encryption technology (including SSL and AES) to protect any private communications.
  • Private, Encrypted, Secure outgoing messages disappear after reading, viewing or listening. Public (aka non-private) messages are accessible until the message author chooses to delete them.
  • Shielded from hackers, browsers, mobile carriers, employers and government agencies.
  • Create compilation videos of your public Pictures, Videos and Voice files, using your phone or computer, and send them as a single event or story (EpicORB-Tale).
  • Subpoena resistant (we do not store or backup your data or metadata and collect no, ZERO, personal information).


EpicORB is easy to use mobile communications:

  • Incoming and outgoing calls can only be placed with EpicORB friends that agree to be part of your network.
  • Select the username (or picture or daemon) you want to call and the call is placed.
  • If no answer you will be prompted to send a secure and private EpicORB voice message.

EpicORB has one simple .99 cent monthly fee for unlimited WI-FI VOIP calls and messaging.

How wireless carriers differ from EpicORB:

  • EpicORB has a low monthly fee and no per minute charges.
  • EpicORB prices do not vary from country to country.
  • EpicORB does not have varying pricing if you call a landline versus international cellphone.

How EpicORB differs from long distance calling cards:

  • EpicORB does not have monthly, maintenance and other type of fees.
  • EpicORB does not require dialing access numbers before the number you’re calling.
  • EpicORB prices do not vary by country if you’re calling a landline or international cellphone.

EpicORB Private Mobile Communications via external WI-FI (VOIP) with no Carrier charges:

  • Text with your friends local or abroad.
  • Share and Send Pictures, Videos and Voice messages.
Control the privacy of ALL your communications:
  • Send private disappearing messages or public messages that last until you decide to delete them. All communication is encrypted.