PANDORA Lucky Penny

$1,300 TWD $1,440 TWD

此為預購商品,需等候 10-14 個工作天安排出貨


  1. 由於此系列商品為限時優惠商品,因此於完成交易手續後即無法進行退、換貨,請您確認購買商品之顏色、貨號、尺寸皆無誤後再下單。
  2. 本商品出貨需花費 15~30 個工作日,您購買之商品將依訂單順序陸續出貨,送達您指定之地點,造成您的不便請見諒。
  • Model:791298
  • Description:
    A lucky penny is said to protect against evil, attract love, and bring good luck. Add this sterling silver dangle to your collection and bring good luck with you everywhere you go. Putting a penny in the shoe of a woman on her wedding day comes from an old wives' tale from the Victorian era. Give as a wedding gift and send the newlyweds off with luck!
* 由於拍照角度,色澤也許稍有差異,敬請見諒。
